Top 5 Benefits of Third-party Maintenance and When to Use it

Posted by The Team at CXtec on Oct 7, 2022 8:08:08 AM

While running a data center or organization, you rely on multi-vendor devices to run smooth operations. You also need to deal...

While running a data center or organization, you rely on multi-vendor devices to run smooth operations. You also need to deal with several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to receive regular service support for your multi-vendor devices. These vendors provide basic support with limited customization during the equipment warranty period. Once the warranty expires, usually 2 to 3 years, OEMs shoot up their support costs to force you to invest in new hardware. The motive is clear: to sell new IT gear instead of enabling long-term support. OEMs push you to perform regular hardware refreshes, increasing your overall IT maintenance costs. Managing several OEMs and support contracts is also a costlier and time-consuming affair.

Fortunately, there is a better alternative to OEM's basic support. As a hardware support service, third-party maintenance (TPM) helps you increase the useful life of your IT investments and realize better cost savings.

Let's look at some of the key reasons why companies are moving from OEM to TPM support:

  • Massive cost savings

Choosing TPM support can reduce your IT maintenance costs by 60 to 80 percent in most cases. TPM is also more flexible and cheaper than OEM support. The cost savings realized through TPM allow you to invest in other strategic tasks to boost your business growth. Putting your IT assets on TPM support also increases their useful life. This, in turn, helps you avoid frequent hardware refreshes and get the best returns from your technology investment.

  • Flexible coverage and SLAs

Most OEMs create long-term, inflexible maintenance contracts with limited customization options. Unlike OEMs, a TPM provider keeps you away from vendor lock-in by creating flexible contracts. Most TPM vendors allow you to sign up for monthly or yearly contracts. They also allow you to adjust your equipment coverage without imposing penalties. Further, TPM providers offer quick maintenance support compared to OEMs. This helps you resolve critical issues quickly and boost staff productivity.


  • Multi-vendor flexibility

Vendor and contract management can be tricky if you use multi-vendor devices in your company. Since OEMs only provide support for their brand hardware, you have to manage several contracts. This can be very hectic and time-consuming if you run a large network. TPM providers offer a single, unified agreement for all your hardware. It helps you avoid the struggle of managing different contracts and vendors. The streamlined support from TPM providers significantly reduces your repair costs.

  • Improved return on investment

OEMs tend to increase their service costs as IT equipment gets older. Their motive is to push you towards a hardware upgrade instead of offering long-term support so they can make more profits. TPMs, whereas, are more concerned about increasing the working life of your IT gear. They want you to recover the best value from your technology investments. Hence, most TPMs focus on better support and service quality instead of sales.

  • Expert support

TPM engineers are highly skilled and certified to manage a heterogeneous network. They can easily check and troubleshoot the multi-vendor devices in your network. These hardware specialists built in-depth expertise through ongoing training and real-world experience. They can quickly service all types of IT gear from various brands like Juniper, Cisco, Dell, and more.

Common use cases for third-party maintenance

There are many business cases when third-party maintenance can be the best option for your company. Let's look at some important scenarios:

  • One-stop maintenance solution

TPM can be most suitable for your business if your organization or data center uses multi-vendor devices. Maintaining these devices requires you to deal with several OEMs and maintenance contracts. This can be time-consuming if you have limited resources. TPM providers offer a one-stop solution for all your hardware support needs, from on-site hardware repair to replacement.

  • Customized support

The maintenance options you get with OEMs are generally limited and expensive. Hence, if you need flexible equipment coverage and SLAs, TPM can be your best option. TPM vendors provide a full array of maintenance services that can be modified based on your hardware needs. They allow you to increase or decrease your equipment coverage without extra charges. With TPM, you can also opt for a custom support plan for your server, storage, and network equipment based on their condition.

  • Extended equipment lifespan

TPM is a great option to cut your operational costs. Unlike OEMs, TPM providers don't increase their repair costs abruptly as your equipment gets older. Instead, they provide reliable hardware support during and post the equipment warranty period, that too, at lower prices. They focus on increasing the useful life of your IT gear by offering the best hardware support. Hence, TPM can be an ideal choice if most of your IT assets are close to the end of their working life.

Revisit your IT hardware maintenance strategy with CXtec

Working with a reputable and experienced TPM provider like CXtec can greatly reduce your IT maintenance costs. CXtec provides an industry-leading TPM service, RapidCare®, that helps enhance the working life of your IT assets. With RapidCare, CXtec puts all your hardware support needs in a single, easy-to-use contract. You can add or remove the equipment from the maintenance contract as per your needs. The RapidCare service also allows you to choose the desired service level and support option for every IT asset. This makes RapidCare a simple, fast, and truly customized service with no hidden terms.

Contact us today to learn more about RapidCare and how it can add value to your business.
