7 Best Ways Organizations can Safeguard IT Equipment - CXtec

Posted by The Team at CXtec on Apr 4, 2022 3:11:54 AM

One of the most common reasons for such threats is that organizations and individuals use outdated and unencrypted protocols to...

One of the most common reasons for such threats is that organizations and individuals use outdated and unencrypted protocols to manage hosts and services. This enables attackers to harvest credentials for malicious activities successfully. Cyberthreats can be difficult to rectify. It is crucial to take preventive measures proactively and safeguard your network devices beforehand. Fortunately, there are several ways that businesses can follow to secure their network infrastructure devices and their data from hackers and viruses. Let’s take a look.

Right Security Measures to Safeguard IT Assets

  • IT Asset Auditing: One of the best ways is to hire experts for conducting IT asset auditing and planning. Any downtime caused due to your servers or routers can have a great impact on your business operations. Professionals can help perform an audit of your critical IT assets to identify system flaws and recommend how you can fix those vulnerabilities.  
  • Installing Security Devices: Security devices like firewalls include a set of programs that protect your network and resources from malicious traffic. They secure your servers and data by continuously monitoring incoming traffic and blocking unsolicited and unwanted traffic from unauthorized sources. Advanced firewalls are sophisticated and integrated with network security platforms, various approaches, and encryption methods. They can detect malware faster and have in-built intrusion prevention systems to keep your data and network resources secure from threats.  
  • Strong Password Policy: Having a strong password policy can help prevent breaches, unauthorized access, or any attempts to break into your systems. Your IT administration needs to enforce a set of IT security policies and standard operating procedures to make the right use of IT systems and tools. 
  • Back-up Your Data: Data breaches can hamper your overall business productivity and profitability. It can lead to data loss impacting your business' bottom line. Having a secure backup plan in advance can help you recover data faster in the event of a loss. One of the best ways is to create multiple encrypted copies or store your data on the cloud. Additionally, you need to follow the practice of testing your backups regularly to ensure data security and availability.
  • Update Your Antivirus Software: Malware and viruses pose a significant threat to your IT devices. Some can even bypass the security measures and infiltrate your systems through multiple points, such as emails and unwanted ads. It becomes crucial to have updated antivirus software to scan all the systems on your network, prevent cyberattacks, block spam sites, protect systems from identity theft, giving your IT infrastructure an additional layer of security against malware. Up-to-date anti-virus software can also detect the latest versions of malware and phishing attacks. Most organizations use a modern, layered, and proactive approach and tools, such as endpoint detection systems to defend against evolving cyberattacks. 
  • Outsource IT Infrastructure Management: One of the best ways to safeguard your IT assets is to outsource infrastructure management. Outsourcing IT infrastructure management aims to ensure that organizations' assets are maintained, upgraded, and disposed of when needed.It provides asset visibility and control, improved asset utilization, audit requirement compliance, and more.
  • Secure IT asset disposal: Asset disposal refers to removing retired IT assets from a company's financial records. The best way is to hand over your retired assets to ITAD vendors who refurbish and resell the equipment, giving it a new life. Moreover, fully depreciated assets that cannot be refurbished or recycled are disposed of carefully. 

Simplify your next IT hardware refresh with reliable and secure ITAD solution

How CXtec Can Help Safeguard your IT Assets

CXtec, with over 40 years of experience in IT asset lifecycle management, helps you to protect your critical assets with safe and secure hardware end-of-life management (HELM) services. It offers world-class security solutions along with the right guidance and support to strengthen your organization’s overall security. With its data sanitization and destruction services, CXTec helps you decommission your retired IT assets and dispose of them in an environmentally responsible way. CXTec HELM services:  

  • Protect your critical data
  • Reduce your support costs
  • Deliver quality and reliability
  • Maximize value on decommissioned IT assets
  • Provide safe, simple, secure processes

CXtec HELM services protect your data’s integrity and maximize ROI on the technology. It includes processes that ensure IT hardware is handled in the safest and most lucrative way possible while decommissioning.
