How To Unlock ROI From EOL IT Assets With Effective Hardware Lifecycle Management

Posted by The Team at CXtec on Aug 16, 2022 7:00:07 AM

Every hardware across an IT infrastructure comes with a defined life span. When the IT hardware reaches end-of-life (EOL), it's...

Every hardware across an IT infrastructure comes with a defined life span. When the IT hardware reaches end-of-life (EOL), it's important to consider its impact on daily operations. OEMs declare IT assets as EOL when the manufacturer no longer produces them. The EOL hardware doesn't receive any latest updates or security patches. This compromises the hardware performance and leaves it vulnerable to security risks.

To that end, many companies consider upgrading to the latest hardware. But, buying new assets is an expensive and time-consuming process. Also, OEM maintenance support charges for EOL hardware tend to be high. Some even decline support for products declared obsolete. Hence, companies are investing in hardware end-of-life management (HELM) services to better deal with EOL hardware.

What Is Hardware End-of-Life Management (HELM)?

HELM is an integral element of hardware life cycle management. It's a systematic approach to extending the useful life of hardware wherever possible. It also enables companies to recover greater ROI on outdated assets. Proper end-of-life management allows sustainable and secure decommissioning of IT hardware. Various procedures fall under HELM. These include:


  • Data sanitization
  • Asset valuation
  • Asset recycling or refurbishing

Companies can move beyond the challenges associated with EOL hardware by implementing HELM. Let's take a brief look at common challenges related to EOL hardware.

Common Pain Points Associated With EOL Hardware

  • Security vulnerabilities: One of the major challenges of EOL hardware is data security-related risks. Updates play an essential role in ensuring the safety of important business data. It does so by fixing existing security vulnerabilities in equipment. When hardware receives the end-of-life status, it stops receiving further security patches. This leaves it vulnerable to malicious attacks, data breaches, and unwanted tampering. This can lead to a host of issues for a company. These include legal issues, reputational damage, and high penalties. Security issues also affect the performance of the hardware. It's critical to ensure the complete erasure of business data when disposing of old equipment. This prevents threat actors from accessing sensitive data of the company and its users.
  • Expensive support and maintenance: Another major challenge with EOL hardware is sky-high support and maintenance costs. As per a report by Gartner, OEMs increase the prices of annual hardware maintenance by 100% for the products declared end-of-life. This can be very expensive for companies, given the tight IT budget. Also, finding replacement parts for EOL hardware can be hard and time-consuming. As a result, companies face limited choices. These include:
    • Spend money on new hardware
    • Spend time looking for other support vendors
    • Continue with EOL hardware without support
  • Deteriorated performance: EOL hardware poses performance issues. As the hardware stops receiving the latest updates, it becomes unreliable. Its limited ability prevents the hardware from performing in a high-pressure IT environment. This results in a loss of productivity. It can also lead to an increase in downtime, further boosting the OPEX costs. Hence, companies must manage their EOL hardware properly. This will help them prevent disruption in operations and make the most of their outdated hardware.

Choosing CXtec To Achieve Massive ROI and Value From EOL Hardware

Investing in hardware end-of-life management poses many advantages to an organization:

  • A higher return on investment
  • Secure and professional data erasure
  • Increased business agility
  • Extended hardware lifespan
  • Reduced OPEX
  • Improved operational efficiency

Companies should choose a reliable hardware end-of-life management provider. This will help them reap the most significant benefits at the last stage of the hardware life cycle.

CXtec is one of the reputed service providers. We have over 40 years of experience in the hardware end-of-life management industry. We provide a range of services to efficiently manage EOL hardware and achieve maximum ROI with:

  • Hardware valuation: We provide valuation services through Atlantix Global Systems, a division of CXtec, and a leader in HELM. It helps determine the accurate worth of retired IT assets based on real-time market data. Our assessments are transparent and rely on fair market value (FMV). This helps get the highest value for old hardware.
  • Hardware refurbishing: We provide sustainable refurbishing solutions to resell EOL hardware. The outdated hardware undergoes comprehensive testing as part of our equal2new® brand. Our deep market expertise and refurbishing solutions ensure the highest return on EOL assets. We also offer a compliant eSteward or R2 certified recycling solution for hardware with zero resale value.
  • Data security: Our MindSafeTM data sanitization services ensure the complete wipeout of sensitive data. MindSafeTM complies with DoD and NIST standards. It ensures the hardware is not vulnerable to security attacks.
  • Global expertise: Our vast consumer market and rich industry experience ensure our clients get the highest value for their outdated assets. We help with smooth and efficient data center IT asset disposition. This can be owed to our team of experts and quality replacement parts.

To learn more about our HELM and ITAD services, visit our page:
