5 Tips to Optimize Your IT Asset Decommissioning Process (ITAD)

Posted by The Team at CXtec on Nov 17, 2022 1:47:24 AM

There comes a stage when your IT assets become obsolete and need replacement. The changes in business needs and customer...

There comes a stage when your IT assets become obsolete and need replacement. The changes in business needs and customer expectations also require you to replace your old IT gear with new, modern equipment. At this stage, you should dispose of your used IT assets responsibly. IT asset decommissioning helps you scrap your used assets in a secure and eco-friendly way. It also lets you securely wipe the sensitive data stored on your retired assets. However, asset decommissioning is a time-intensive and complex process. It involves various activities like asset de-installation, packaging, data erasure, logistics planning, etc. Performing these activities in an organized and compliant manner is crucial. Otherwise, you might face hefty legal and financial penalties.

Why the ITAD workflow?

Not too long ago, businesses didn't pay much attention to IT Asset Decommissioning (ITAD). But things have changed, and here's why:

1. Data Breach Costs:

      • Improper IT asset decommissioning process can result in data breaches, which can be financially devastating for businesses. When old hard drives, servers, or other IT assets are not securely wiped or physically destroyed, they may still contain sensitive information. If this data falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to significant financial losses.
      • The costs associated with data breaches can include legal fines, compensation to affected parties, costs for investigating and mitigating the breach, and potential lawsuits. Additionally, there's the intangible cost of damaged customer trust and a tarnished reputation.

2. Government Rules:

      • Governments worldwide have recognized the importance of proper IT asset decommissioning. To protect data and privacy, the government has implemented guidelines that companies must follow. These rules encompass recycling standards, secure data and environmental responsible IT asset decommissioning process.
      • Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in significant consequences, such as facing legal penalties and fines. It is imperative for businesses to not only be cognizant of these regulations but also allocate resources to establish compliance measures in order to prevent legal complications.

3. Bad for Reputation:

    • In the era of information and social media, reports of data breaches spread rapidly and can become viral. When a business neglects to implement automated asset disposal services and is subsequently exposed, it can result in public outrage, causing significant harm to the organization's reputation and brand image.
    • A tarnished reputation related to decommissioning an asset affects not only the current customer base but also the ability to attract new customers and partners. The erosion of trust can result in reduced revenue and long-term financial consequences.
    • Rebuilding a damaged reputation can be a costly and time-consuming process. Businesses must invest in proactive measures to prevent data leaks in the first place to avoid these detrimental effects.

To address these challenges, businesses are increasingly recognizing the need to establish a robust ITAD workflow. These processes should not only ensure data security and regulatory compliance but also safeguard the organization's reputation and financial well-being. As such, optimizing the IT asset decommissioning process has become a top priority for modern businesses.


Outlined below are some useful tips that you can follow for secure asset decommissioning:

1. Focus on eco-friendly decommissioning practices

Adopting green practices is a good idea while scrapping old IT gear. It helps you earn customer trust and reduce your environmental footprint. For example, shredding storage drives and sending them to a landfill for disposal can damage your business reputation. It also decreases customer trust in your company. Instead of illegal dumping, you should partner with a green IT asset disposition (ITAD) company.

Green ITAD experts can help you retire your old IT gear responsibly. These vendors adopt R2-certified processes for recycling old gear. Besides, they provide asset refurbishment and remarketing services. Reselling or reusing old IT assets help you reduce e-waste and become more eco-friendly.

2. Document the entire decommissioning process

Carefully documenting every step of the IT asset decommissioning process is crucial. It helps you stay compliant while ensuring smooth audits. Ask for a secure chain of custody if you're working with an ITAD expert. It helps you know where your retired IT assets are at each stage of the disposal process. It also confirms that your chosen vendor has scrapped your retired assets responsibly.


Further, you should centrally store all the documents related to asset disposal. Some of these records include certificates of data destruction, transfer of ownership documents, and asset inventory lists. Putting such records in a single repository speeds up internal and external audits. Further, maintain the integrity of such sensitive documents to gain auditor trust. Lastly, create flexible reporting processes to meet current and future audit needs.

3. Perform secure data sanitization

You should professionally erase data from used IT assets before decommissioning them. It helps protect your sensitive business information. Stay away from improper data erasure methods like factory resetting and reformatting. For secure data sanitization, you can avail services of an ITAD company. These vendors provide various options for secure data erasure. Some of them include degaussing and hard drive destruction. Reputed ITAD vendors perform NIST and DoD-compliant data erasure to help you meet compliance requirements.

ITAD experts also provide both on-site and off-site data erasure methods. Alternatively, you can use automated tools for secure data wiping. Ensure that your chosen tool supports all types of IT assets. It should also be smart enough to choose the correct erasure method for a device based on its type and condition. Lastly, the chosen tool should allow you to select the level of automation for various erasure tasks.

4. Establish automated workflows to speed up decommissioning process

IT asset disposal is a complex and time-intensive process. It requires the management of various tasks including asset de-installation, packaging, and secure data erasure. You can invest in automated project management tools to streamline the decommissioning process. These tools can help you integrate and manage various disposal tasks from one place.

Besides, you can use secure data erasure tools for quick, error-free data sanitization while scrapping used IT gear. You can also team up with an ITAD expert for cost-effective asset disposal. These experts have the necessary tools and expertise to manage the entire decommissioning process.

5. Ensure secure asset packaging and transportation to prevent theft

You should opt for secure packaging and transportation options during off-site asset disposal. It helps you secure sensitive assets and data during decommissioning. Use safe packaging materials like dunnage bags to prevent asset breakdown during transportation. Further, employ RFID tags and GPS-enabled vehicles for real-time asset tracking during disposal. Besides, you can reach out to an ITAD expert for secure asset packaging and transportation. The vendors use the latest GPS technology and packaging methods to increase asset safety during transportation.

6. Audit trails for compliance needs

To maintain compliance with numerous national and international data security standards and regulations, it's crucial to establish audit trails for the IT asset decommissioning process.

Decommissioning an asset is no longer a discretionary practice; it's a legal obligation. Consequently, businesses must conduct both internal and external audits to verify the integrity of their asset disposal automation services.

To successfully navigate audits and maintain compliance, it's essential to possess the appropriate certificates and documentation demonstrating the effective execution of the IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) process.

Streamline IT asset decommissioning with a trusted partner

Disposal of your retired IT assets can be challenging if you lack proper knowledge and expertise. A trusted IT asset disposal company can help scrap your old IT gear securely and responsibly. With over 40+ years of experience in the ITAD domain, Atlantix Global, a division of CXtec, can be the perfect parent for all your asset disposal needs. Atlantix Global has a team of 65+ decommission experts who support you at every step of the decommissioning process, from asset de-installation to secure disposal. The company also provides a secure, trackable chain of custody to give you complete peace of mind. It also offers customized and cost-effective services that suit your business needs. Contact us today to learn more about our IT asset disposal services.
