Choosing The Right Hardware Management Strategy - CXtec

Posted by The Team at CXtec on Apr 4, 2022 3:10:59 AM

Hardware lifecycle management helps you extend the overall lifespan of your IT assets and generate maximum value from them. Among...

Hardware lifecycle management helps you extend the overall lifespan of your IT assets and generate maximum value from them. Among all the hardware lifecycle stages, the disposal phase is one of the most vital. The IT equipment reaches the end of its useful life at this stage and requires secure and eco-friendly decommissioning. However, the decommissioning process of used servers, storage, and other network equipment is perplexing and labor-intensive. It involves multiple tasks, from asset fair-value analysis and secure data erasure to logistics planning and compliance reporting.

Hardware lifecycle management helps you extend the overall lifespan of your IT assets and generate maximum value from them. Among all the hardware lifecycle stages, the disposal phase is one of the most vital. The IT equipment reaches the end of its useful life at this stage and requires secure and eco-friendly decommissioning. However, the decommissioning process of used servers, storage, and other network equipment is perplexing and labor-intensive. It involves multiple tasks, from asset fair-value analysis and secure data erasure to logistics planning and compliance reporting.

Adherence to federal, state, and local privacy regulations is vital while disposing of your unwanted IT assets to avoid penalties and compliance issues. In addition, you need to ensure that data is securely erased from your used devices to prevent data breaches. Setting up green and compliant processes for product recycling is equally essential to meet the sustainability goals of your business. All these disposition activities are costlier and demand considerable time and resources. Therefore, most companies opt for IT asset disposition services for decommissioning hardware assets to prevent data loss and safeguard the environment.

Simplify your next IT hardware refresh with reliable and secure ITAD solution

Why does IT asset disposition (ITAD) require a rethinking?

As discussed, IT asset disposition enables you to avoid the risks associated with improper scrapping of retired IT assets, such as data loss and compliance issues. However, the term IT disposition is not very accurate for defining the final phase of the hardware lifecycle. The final stage of the hardware lifecycle has much more potential in terms of maximizing your ROI on technology investments. To understand this better, let's first look at the definition of IT asset disposition given by Atlantix Global, a global leader in ITAD services:

"IT Asset Disposition is the practice of disposing of IT hardware and equipment in a safe and environmentally responsible manner."

This definition clearly explains IT asset decommissioning, and most service providers in the ITAD industry use similar explanations. However, the actual problem is that the term IT asset disposition focuses on the "scrapping" of used IT equipment only to explain the last and most crucial step of the IT asset lifecycle.

>Ideally, the disposal phase should be more about identifying ways that help you generate maximum returns from your technology hardware investments. It should allow you to set up a transparent, repeatable, and proven strategy to manage IT equipment after it reaches the end of its useful life and become eligible for decommissioning.

The ITAD term drifts away from the management aspect of used hardware and emphasizes asset disposal only. Properly handling the retirement of used assets is more critical at the disposal stage. Therefore, terming the last phase of asset lifecycle as hardware end-of-life management (HELM) is more concrete than IT asset disposition. In other words, HELM is all about building unique decommissioning strategies or tactics for different OEM equipment depending on its current age and usability so you can receive more monetary value from your retiring technology.

Unlocking maximum value from used technology hardware with HELM

We, at CXtec, define hardware end-of-life management (HELM) as a holistic strategy allowing companies to decommission antiquated IT assets in a way that prevents loss of confidential business data, safeguards the environment, and generates maximum returns for their technology hardware investments.

With proper HELM, you can also avoid legal penalties and gain customer trust by disposing of used IT assets according to the environmental and data privacy regulations applicable in your industry.

Let's look at some of the key benefits of adopting a smart HELM strategy:

Secure and sustainable IT asset decommissioning

With proper HELM, retiring unwanted technology hardware becomes straightforward for companies. Hardware decommissioning is generally complex and includes multiple activities, such as technical de-installation, reverse logistics planning, and downstream reporting. A reliable HELM service provider allows you to decommission IT equipment quickly while staying compliant. They have a team of certified IT engineers who assist you at every stage, from inventory audit to data erasure to value recovery.

Proper valuation of IT assets

A certified HELM service provider can help assess your outdated IT infrastructure down to the component level to determine the fair market value (FMV) of your retired IT assets. With real-time market data, HELM providers help compare asset FMV, net book value, and OEM trade-in offers, so you can make the right decision and generate maximum returns from used IT assets.

Secure wiping of confidential business data

Data security is one of the significant challenges companies encounter while decommissioning technology hardware. The risk of data breaches, cyber-attacks, and legal penalties increases exponentially with improper decommissioning. HELM enables companies to avoid these risks by working with a partner who provides NIST and DoD-compliant data sanitization services. A professional HELM company also offers R2-compliant recycling solutions and data destruction certifications to assure that your confidential business information is securely deleted. In addition, they also help evaluate your retired IT assets to confirm if they are suitable for data erasure or destruction so that you can secure maximum value from them.

Why choose CXtec as your preferred HELM partner

Hardware end-of-life management requires strategic planning at every step, so you can generate the maximum returns from surplus IT assets while being environmentally responsible. A reliable partner like Atlantix Global - a premier subsidiary of CXtec - can offer you unmatched advice and guided support throughout your HELM journey. As a pioneer in the IT asset disposition (ITAD) industry, Atlantix Global helps you derive the best value from your retired IT hardware by offering world-class asset valuation, decommissioning, recovery, and data sanitization services.

Our data sanitization services, MindSafe™, are also completely reliable and secure and follow the best practices suggested by DoD and NIST. We also provide certifications for data destruction to validate that information from your retired IT assets has been deleted reliably. In addition, we take the best possible measures to stay environmentally responsible while recycling your IT assets by working with R2-certified downstream partners only. Overall, CXtec, along with our Atlantix Global division, is fully committed to improving your business bottom line by offering HELM services that are compliant, secure, and reliable.
